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Saturday, April 25, 2020

5:00 pm to 6:00 pm

Jim Infantino - Solo In Isolation - Week 6

Website: YouTube

Jim Infantino playing live on YouTube from his sofa

This is my 6th Solo In Isolation Show. 5pm EST Saturday, April 25 at https://youtu.be/I8D6al5TnyI

I will be donating 25% of all tips to the Club Passim Emergency Artist Relief Fund - I'd be happy if you donate there directly to give them 100%: https://passim.org/pearfund If you'd like to tip me directly there are 5 ways:

  1. You can buy me one or more coffees at: https://ko-fi.com/jiminfantino
  2. You can Venmo me @Jim-Infantino (3400 if they ask)
  3. You can become a patron of my work and get members-only stuff (music, writing, podcast, audiobooks) at https://www.patreon.com/jiminfantino
  4. You can buy my book or read it free (Kindle Unlimited) at: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07CT4Y7LJ Please remember to write a review if you read it.
  5. You can purchase my music at https://jimsbigego.bandcamp.com

Thanks! 25% of all tips at Venmo and Ko-fi will go to the Club Passim PEAR Fund the next day. Others are too difficult to calculate but I will make my own donation based on a guess.

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