Friday, June 2, 2023
7:30 pm to 9:30 pm
JIM INFANTINO & JESSE FLACK, Presented by notloB Parlour Concerts
Fivesparks, 7 Fairbank Road
Harvard MA 01451

notloB's first concert was Sometymes Why, presented June 2, 2007 at the Loring-Greenough House in Jamaica Plain. 16 years to the day and 212 concerts later, we will be celebrating our 16th anniversary with notloB veteran Jim Infantino, “songwriter, novelist, nerd” supported by Jesse Flack, who, together, comprise half of Jim's Big Ego – “the greatest band in the history of recorded music”. “Jim's Big Ego's secret to awesomeness is singer, songwriter, and all around super-genius, Jim Infantino. Armed with the innate ability to create songs that are more brilliant than all others in history, Infantino gives the band the gift of greatness.” Or so says its own publicity.
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